PhD. Dissertation Defense-Sina Kamali Tabrizi

PhD Thesis defended on Sunday February 20,2022 by Sina Kamali Tabrizi under supervision of Mohammad Sadegh Taher Tolu Del, assistant professor at the department of Architecture and Urban Studies. A brief summary of the thesis “Principles of Value Revitalization of ReligiousEducational Buildings of Qajar Era in Tehran”  is as follows:

Abstract: A religious-educational building can be generally considered an institution for teaching Islamic sciences such as
interpretation of hadith, Quran, and jurisprudential issues. Such a building is considered a religious-educational
institution and has long been a place for educating students interested in religious sciences and preparing them to be
clergymen. Due to their unique architecture and history, these buildings are considered valuable architectural
heritage in Iran. According to the Appleton Charter, the better the values of architectural heritage are recognized and
interpreted, the better its conservation and preservation will be. Architectural conservation refers to the conservation
of monuments with valuable architecture or architectural values. So, how to recognize and express the values latent
in the work is of great importance and value is one of the factors determining validity and significance in special
issues related to conservation science, which plays a very important role in the development of conservation
policies. This value-based conservation process is called value conservation. Nowadays, religious schools in Tehran,
which have been built during the Qajar period, experience adverse physical changes, due to natural erosion and
urban expansion, and need scientific conservation. Moreover, their intangible semantic values have disappeared over
time as their position in society has declined. These schools need to conserve and revitalize their values. However,
since no research has been done on the value revitalization of Qajar religious schools in Tehran, their values have
been neglected, making it necessary to address this issue. Various studies have been conducted on these schools in
terms of history and philosophy of education, spatial evolution, functional analysis, spatial elements, ornamentation
analysis, form analysis, entrance typology, and construction locating.