43rd Islamic Revolution Ceremony

According to the Cultural and Social Affairs of the Shahid Rajaee University, the Celebration of the 43rd Islamic Revolution was held on Tuesday, February the 8th in the Tehrani Moghaddam Conference Hall. This ceremony was scheduled with the speech of Hamidreza Azemati, Dean of University and Mansouri Larijani University Professor and researcher.  

Transitioning to in-person Defense Meetings

Transitioning to in-person Defense Meetings has been launched starting  January 22. The Department of Architecture and Urban Design aims to hold in person Defense Meetings for Masters Degree at the department. Pictures belong to two Master Degree students -Kaveh and Mohammad Mahdi Milani, under supervision of Mohammad Sadegh Taher Tolu, associate professor at the Faculty […]

Appreciation Ceremony of Selected Researchers at Department of Architecture & Urban Studies

An Appreciation Ceremony for Selected Researchers at the Department of Architecture & Urban Studies was held January 23rd at the meeting hall located on the 6th floor. In this ceremony, all selected researchers at the Department were acknowledged. Selected students at the department were also chosen to be appreciated in this ceremony. This years selected […]

Third Phase of Vaccination for Staff and Faculty Members

Vaccination has been started all throughout the Shahid Rajee University since last week. All staff members are welcome to have their 2nd or 3rd phase of vaccination at the University Clinic. Having Vaccination Cards and Identity cards is mandatory.  

In Person PhD Exams

The department of Architecture & Urban Designs has launched in-person final exams for PhD. D. students. On Tuesday, January 11th 2022 the course “Epistemology for Architects”  was held for participants in person, both orally and written. (Pictures belong to Dr. Mahdinejad’s PhD class on Tuesday January 11 2022)

School Library Open to Students

The Library of School of Architecture and Urban Studies is open to all students throughout the week from 8 a.m to 2 p.m. Students are able to search and study books, journals and thesis inside the library. All books are available to students if needed to be borrowed.  

A Series of Webinars on Architecture Education and Training Architects

A Series of Webinars on “Architecture Education and Training Architects” are to be held by the department of Architecture and Urban Planning. These webinars are purposed to improve the quality of teaching courses of architecture History. The first speaker is Dr.Keyvan Jourabchi, academic staff of Shahid Beheshti University. Date of webinar: 4 January 2022 @ […]

Monthly Educational Meetings

Monthly Meetings are held among the Educational Assistant of the Department of Architecture with  all educational employees of the faculty. These meetings help to solve and rearrange all educational issues which might be caused during the Pandemic.

In Person Classes at the Department of Architecture

Despite the Pandemic, many Bachelor classes at the Department of Architecture are being held in person. Students carry their course outlines in classes, following Public Health Guidelines  and in smaller groups. (Pictures of Ms. Dabbaghian Design Studio class)

Scientific Webinars at the Department

Several Scientific Webinars are held at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies  throughout the year. These seminars are to update knowledge among students and the academic staff.