Introduction to Newcomers of Graphic Design Faculty

An Introduction was taken place on Saturday May 19th, 2022 by the Graphic Design Program Manager Fariba Shapourian. In this introduction students were given guidelines from the Educational Assistant and the administrative staff and also got to know the specialized library and study materials upfront.  

Selected Program Manager of Shahid Rajaee University-Department of Graphic Design

Dr. Fariba Shapourian assistant professor from the department of Graphic Design was chosen as top program manager of the University. We wish her luck and prosperity in all working stages.  

Selected University Professors-Department of Architecture

Marzieh Azad Amaki and Majid Hashemi Toghroljerdi assistant professors from the department of architecture were chosen as selected professors from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies. They were honored by the Minister of Education on Monday May 9th,2022 at Shahid Rajaee  University.  

Seminar II of PhD candidate Faezeh Asadpour

Seminar II of PhD candidate Faezeh Asadpour, was held in May 2022 with the attendance of Dr. Mahdinejad. Dr. Sharghi, Dr. Alimardani and Dr. Hashemi. The thesis focused on” Explanation of a Strategic Model to Improve Physical Appearance based on Visual Arrangement.        

Happy Architect’s Day

The commemoration of Bahauddin Mohammad bin Hussein Ameli, known as Sheikh Baha’i, is named Architect’s Day in Iran. However, the International Architect’s Day is the very first Monday in October every year, which coincides with the International Human Settlement Day. This day has been dated by the International Union of Architects (UIA).  

Classes continue in person for students 2019, 2020 and 2021 at the Faculty of Architecture

Classes continue in person for students 2019, 2020 and 2021 at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies. These classes are held on the 5th, 6th and 7th floor of the building, on respect of Covid 19 health guidelines. All Shahid Rajaee Dormitories have been prepared and settled  for the coming students.  

In Person Classes at the Faculty of Architecture-April 4th, 2022

Many Classes have been running in Person at the Faculty of Architecture, starting Monday April 4th, 2022(15 Farvardin).

Happy Ramadan-Ramadan Mubarak

Happy Ramadan 2022. (Ramadan is a holy period for Muslims all around the world, when followers of the faith observe intense fast from dawn to dusk (Ruzeh) in the name of the Almighty). Working Hours will be 07:45 a.m-14:30 p.m during Ramadan for members of the University.

Educational announcement

Dear Faculty Colleagues, Welcome back! We hope that you enjoyed a restful and restorative Nowruz holidays and are excited to embark on the second semester 1400-1401. After the two-year of the COVID-19 pandemic, our focus should be on how classes should be held as before. You can download the current semester class schedule here.

Announcement: In Person Classes starting 3rd April 2022

Welcome back! After two year of the COVID-19 Pandemic, all classes will be started in Person at the Faculty of Architecture starting 3rd April 2022 (14 Farvardin 1401). The link to schedule for the coming week is available below. 14 Farvardin 1401 Schedule