IAU is closely monitoring the various impacts of COVID-19 on the higher education community. In order to better do so, IAU has developed a Global Survey on the Impact of Covid-19 in Higher Education – the survey is now closed and the data is being analyzed by the IAU team. IAU also developed a Resources page (pdf format updated […]

Understanding the return on investment from TVET

In the face of rapid technological progress, threats to environmental sustainability, and demographic transitions, how can we adapt our education and training systems for the changing world of work? As Member States scale up their efforts to advance progress on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, there is an urgent need to develop the knowledge, skills […]

Minister of Science, Research, and Technology’s Webinar Meeting with Presidents of Science and Technology Parks

Iran’s Situation has led to the Prosperity of Scientific Ability to Solve Nationwide Crisis

The continuity of teaching and research mission in SRTTU

Shahid Rajaee University is closely monitoring the outbreak of COVID-19. As the situation continues to change rapidly, same as most scientific centers, the top priority of SRTT university remains the health, safety, and well-being of our community, on and off campus. We ensure the continuity of our teaching and research mission. The University remains open […]

Drug designed for possible treatment of COVID-19 by faculty members of Shahid Rajaee university.

The Department of Biological Sciences of Shahid Rajaee University has began the study of the COVID-19 outbreak from the beginning of its spread in Iran, and after preliminary studies, a research proposal based on the use Coronavirus receptor (ACE2) as a drug candidate has been suggested. The suggested protein would prevent the spread of virus […]

Salar Amoli’s Meeting with the Deputies of International Affairs of Iran’s Major Universitie

International Scientific Cooperation Can Transform Coronavirus Threat to Opportunity

Sharif Alumnus Wins Prestigious Int’l WIPO Award

A Ph.D. graduate of Sharif University of Technology will receive WIPO award in Italy. Milad Johnny, an alumnus of Sharif’s department of electrical engineering, is to receive WIPO Medal for Inventors for his research work in the field of telecommunication. It is worth mentioning that his work has also reaped second place in the Young […]

Iran's Successful Use of Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosing COVID-19

Researchers at the Sharif University of Technology have designed and developed an AI-assisted system that can diagnose the novel coronavirus in a few minutes. The ‘COVID-19 Diagnostic System’ uses artificial intelligence algorithms via chest CT scans to detect coronavirus in patients with 97 percent accuracy. The Iranian-made system was unveiled on Saturday with the presence […]

What’s an LMS? An LMS is a platform for digital learning. Its key features can be found in the abbreviation. L — Learning. With an LMS, you can create a single source of e-courses and training materials. This will become a unique source of knowledge in your area, so that you can keep and increase the in-house expertise […]