Selection of Dr. Hossein Zomarshidi as the only Specialist of the 31st Khwarizmi International Festival

At the 31st Khwarizmi International Festival, held with the presence of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the hall of IRIB International Conference Center on Saturday, February 24th, Hossein Zomarshidi was honored as the only special guest of the 31st Khwarizmi International Festival.

The ceremony was attended by The President Hassan Rouhani and Minister of Science, Research and Technology Mansur Gholami, Sorena Sattari, the Vice President of Science and Technology, and a group of domestic and foreign researchers and researchers at the Symposium in the hall of IRIB International Conference Center.

According to the report, in the course of the Khwarizmi International Festival, 133 projects from scientists from 49 countries and 377 projects in five areas of research, fundamental research, applied research, developmental plans, invention and innovation, and 18 specialized groups including electrical engineering and computers, mechanics, mechatronics, chemical technology, Nanotechnology, Materials, Metallurgy and New Technologies, Information Technology, industries and technology management, biotechnology and basic Sciences, agriculture and natural resources, environment, basic sciences, civil engineering, aerospace, art, architecture and urban planning , medical sciences (for foreigners) and successful projects in national production by the scientist The country has been sent to the secretariat.

At the closing ceremony, 10 national projects and 5 international projects from countries such as Australia, China, Germany, France and Switzerland were honored. It is worth noting that during the ceremony, Professor Hossein Zomorshidi was named as the first one honored by the President of Islamic Republic of Iran, and this is for the first time announced at the Shahid Rajaee University as the special member of the Khwarizmi International Festival.