The unveiling ceremony of Monitoring Report of the World Education Forum in 2016

The unveiling ceremony of Monitoring Report of the World Education Forum in 2016 was held in collaboration with the National Commission for UNESCO and the Department of Research and Technology

The unveiling ceremony of Monitoring Report of the World Education Forum in 2016 was held in Shahid Rajaee Teacher Traininhg University, in the Tehrani Moghaddam hall, on Sunday 21 November.

In the event after reciting verses from the Quran and played the national anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Ali Zarafshan, Deputy Director of Secondary education in the Ministry of Education made speeches.

Another part of the event was lectures of Ms. Mary Anne Therese Monosoun, Education Consultant of UNESCO’s Regional Office in Tehran and Ms. Christine Vaygand, Deputy Representative of UNICEF in Iran. Then the doctor Saadallah Nasiri Ghidari, general secretary of Iranian National Commission for UNESCO, made speeches on the necessity of addressing the issue of global education and the increasing spread of education among all classes and social strata and the necessity of close monitoring in the field of education in country, then he Praised the role of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Traininhg University  as a center of excellence in education.


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