Special Roundtable Meeting of TVET Officials and Activists

As reported by Public Relations Office of SRTTU, in the 8th Conference on Education held in May 2016 on the theme ‘TVET’ in SRTTU, a special roundtable meeting with the attendance of TVET officials and activities was arranged here in SRTTU.

The chair of this meeting was Dr. A. Sadri, one of the pioneers of TVET and experienced officials. The members expressed their viewpoints of TVET challenges in Iran and how to respond to them during the meeting session.

In this meeting, Dr. A. Torkman, the manager of mainstream TVET education of Iran’s Management and Planning Organization, talked about the necessity of setting a balanced budget for TVET. He also expressed the present challenges of TVET and elaborated on the future plans of Management and Planning Organization to respond to these challenges. Then Eng. A. Nafisi, one of the pioneers of TVET in Iran, talked about the role of important processes and factors in the development of TVET and the achievements that can be gained in this regard. He highlighted the optimum participation of the private sector as one of the basic steps that should be taken in decision making and policy developing by administrators.

Then, Mr. M. A. Sazgarnejad, the deputy of Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare and the president of TVET Organization of Iran, explained about the short term technical and vocational courses of the ministry and how to complement these courses considering their role in mainstream and higher education.

In replying to a question regarding the way TVET Organization finds talented and elite students in technical and vocational domains, he talked about the National Skill Competitions as one possible way to do find talented and interested people in this special arena. He also referred to introducing these people to National Elites Foundation and Entrepreneurship Fund as the supports the Organization offers.

Then Eng. Zarafshan, the deputy of secondary education, explained about Shahab Plan and the actions the ministry of education is taking to find and guide talented students in different fields of TVET.  He also referred to Khwarizmi Youth Award that is being held in SRTTU in recent years and other types of student completions to find and support talents in vocational and technical domains

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